Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

Trick to Post Empty Status on Facebook

We usually update our facebook status with a quote or share a line about our day.All of us want to get attention of others to our status.
Trick to Post Empty Status on Facebook

How would you feel if you see a blank status update from someone? Amazed!!
You can’t write a blank status update by simply pressing the Space key and then clicking on Post button.Instead you have to use special codes to write a blank character in your facebook status.
Trick to Post Empty Status on Facebook:-

  • Login to your Facebook Account and go to Update Status field.
  • Press and hold Alt key and just type 0173.
  • Release Alt Key and click on share Post.
  • That’s all now your empty status will be update.

Send Facebook Message To Anyone With Any Name

Send Facebook Message To Anyone With Any

Send Facebook Message To Anyone With Any Name:

Now fool others by sending facebook message to any friend using other friend's name.You can easily send any message to any friend using other friends name. You just need email address of that user whose name you are going to use for sending message to other friend.

You need 2 things for getting success in this trick :

1) Friend's Email which is connected with his Facebook ID. Ex : ( This email id must be connected with friend's facebook id )

2) Other Friend's Facebook Email ID whom you want to send message. Ex : ( Put friends facebook username on the place of xyz ).

↓↓ Follow Below image for demo ↓↓

Send Facebook Message To Anyone With Any

Send Facebook Message To Anyone With Any

Post Facebook Status With " SEE MORE " Link

Post Facebook Status With " SEE MORE "
Hello Readers,Welcome to Fancytricks Most of you ae already know this trick but those are not aware about this trick can move downwards for full post. Nowadays most of the admin of facebook pages are using this prank trick for fooling others, this trick will help you to post another link in any text. Or directly we can call this trick as a hyperlink method. Yes, we can put any page or group link in any type of text as per our choice.

Suppose you wanna post any status and at the end of that status you want to put any hyperlink text so that whenever any user will click, he will be redirected to that page or group.

Follow Steps Carefully :

1) Write below code as your status ↓↓

@[Your ID Code:0] @@[0:[Your ID Code:1:Your Text]]

2) Put Your page or group id in the place of Your ID Code. If you don't know your page id then follow below link for ID finder.

Ex :  @[110871649075947:0] @@[0:[110871649075947:1:SEE MORE]]

Hope you all will like this post, if not then comment down your problems.


How will you feel when you login to your Facebook Account to discover you have received over 100+ Friend Requests over the time you were offline?

According to a recent survey, people are exited when they recieve new friend requests, especially from the opposite sex. So why should someone be unhappy about recieving friend requests? – The burden of clicking "Accept ” and "Decline ” on each of everyone of such large number of friend requests. received is boring and tiring,

that’s why you will need to get over it immediately – accept all or decline all the requests.

There is this piece of code which can solve all your problem once, it can accept or decline all your pending friend requests with the click of a button.

Follow these steps carefully to manage all your pending Facebook Friend requests at once.

1. Login to your Facebook account.

2. Go to Friend Request page by visiting

3. Once you get to the Page showing all the Pending Friends Request, Clear the URL in your address bar and Paste any of the Code below to either Accept all or Decline all your pending requests.

* To Accept all, Paste this Code into your Browser, Then Hit the Enter button.



* To Decline all, Paste this Code into your Browser, Then Hit the Enter button.



Thats it, Enjoy!!!

Note:- Whenever you Paste any of the above Code into your Browser, The Browser automatically Stripe out or Remove the javascript: code from the Browser, You've to Type it in front of the Code before hitting the Enter Button.. Take Note.