SlimDrivers features a one-click, start scan button on its product homepage, which begins the process automatically to scan a PC and identify out-of-date or broken drivers. Then, seamlessly, SlimDrivers creates a personalized driver profile of that PC, and accesses the online cloud database for the most up-to-date, customized driver software.
SlimDrivers starts the installation process automatically, immediately improving the performance of peripheral devices and maintaining the integrity of communication between software and hardware. Because SlimDrivers uses a cloud database, consumers have automated access to the most current updates for their PC drivers, alleviating the need to search the Web for updates or determine whether their drivers need repair. In real-time, SlimDrivers detects when a driver becomes out-dated, then serves and installs the most recent versions, customized for that individual PC. SlimDrivers updates driver software for all popular computer device brands and works on 32 and 64 bit Windows platforms.
What's new in this version: Version 2.2.25937.63861 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
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